Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Journey of a Weighted Soul Part II

 The Journey of a Weighted Soul Part II. 
How far did I go out from source anyway?

Most of my early teen and adult life felt panicky and confusing yet I didn’t fall for a lot of information presented to me by what one would call “mainstream media”. Going through experimentation with drugs didn’t take up a long period of my life. I discovered, very quickly, mood altering substances, while interesting and entertaining, were not a cure for loneliness and confusion. Smoking cigarettes and over eating were the only two addictions that stuck with me. So when it came to visiting the medical doctor about problems most of the time the prescription he wrote for me would wind up in the trash at home.

I wanted help but had not an ounce of trust left within me. I saw too many people suffering the same fate as I and their trust in modern treatments just made things worse for them.

I was fascinated with herbal studies since young childhood. My grandmother Evans could grow anything anywhere which fascinated me even more. I carried around a copy of “Back To Eden” by Jethro Kloss and read it until the book fell apart. Also, the works of Edgar Cayce I found extremely interesting (I thank my mother for this. She left these books lying around the house for me to find)… there was more to this life than pain and heart break and I knew it! A winning concept but how to apply the concept in the real physical flesh and in the messy world? The concepts of all the things I would study on spirituality would stay as just that: concepts. Pretty words in print that I continued to believe in but had not a clue how to apply to my daily physical life. Making simple things more complicated was the name of my game. So I didn’t even know what a proper spiritual practice looked like.

By the time I was in my early 20s these big holes within my emotional and spiritual body started becoming an issue as I put on a great deal of weight; trying to fill those holes the best way I knew how, with food. Go forward 20 years, one failed marriage and two children later saw me at the age of 40, at a height of 5’2 and weighing in at 240 pounds. My health was in danger. Years of chain smoking, depression, binge eating and fad dieting had finally taken its toll and I felt and looked much older than 40.

{One day around the age of 37-38, I highly suspect I suffered a heart attack. I was outside goofing off with a young cousin and was trying to “keep up” with her playing around. Suddenly there was a pain in my chest and arm I had never felt before. Nauseated and dizzy I went inside and sat in a chair for about an hour until the pain subsided. I got up, slowly put in a load of laundry to wash and started supper. I said nothing but stored the event in my mind. A little taste of death. It hurt like hell but didn't frighten me at all, just the opposite. I was intrigued a bit and thought of death often after that; not in a depressed suicidal way but it was a pivotal moment of something strange.}
All the herbal and alternative healing studies remained stubbornly out of practical application for reasons unknown at the time so I decided to “brush the mirror”.

*Brushing the mirror”: applying an outside, most of the time mechanical, solution to an internal problem.

So after much thought and online research (not enough thought and online research) and through great desperation, I decided to have lap-band surgery. A lap-band is a removable device surgically wrapped around the top of the stomach with a “port” that is used to open and close off the stomach making it hard to over eat. It worked too… for about a year. Then all hell broke loose.
~end part II of III.