Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Resisting Rest

     Inspiration comes in many forms … seems, so far, I only recognize that which smacks me upside the head like a rude bully on the playground. But hey that’s learning see? Pain is resistance to change and change is what it’s all about. There would be no pain if we (I) could learn to release and let go…. But no, permanent trenches can be seen dug into the earth, where at certain points in my past I was dragged kicking and screaming into the most innocent of lessons. And at the tender age of 49 one would think it would be understood already? Well, I have an awareness of the “letting go” concept and knowledge is power…. It looks good on paper doesn’t it?

     The business I had the good fortune at which to work for the past five and a half years closed its doors for good in mid October 2014. I’ve been and continue to be on what my friend has called a “sabbatical” until Jan. 2015 I will not punch a clock or work for anyone else but myself at this time. Needless to say the trenches that are being dug as I write this are getting pretty damn deep! Resisting rest is liken to its rowdy, drunken sister “resisting arrest” and it causes one to get pretty beat up by it all.  
     So now there is beauty found in a new and improved meditation practice.  There is new passion for research projects done properly and without hurry. And a peace found in small jobs around the house… satisfaction in a domestic task well done. While my resistance peels away layer by layer; the heels of my tired feet dig in less and less until all that is felt is gentle cool grass between my toes.
~ I could get use to this

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