Saturday, January 8, 2011

Energy, Homeopathic and herbal healing part 1

This is part one of these healing modalities. It has everything to do with energy which is another word for vibration

~ Vibrations
On a day to day basis I’ve noticed the ups and downs of my mood and emotions. No, I don’t suffer from bi-polar disorder or any one of the ever popular personality disorders; rather catching and managing personal vibration levels is what I’m really doing. I consider it my job as a person living on the face of this earth and I take this job very seriously because it doesn’t just involve me it’s for everyone.
 Everything vibrates: if it’s a fast vibration the object is fluid, if the vibration is slow the object is solid. There are variations of vibrations therefore there are variations of objects: rocks, water, trees, animals, humans, feelings, moods, emotion, everything… if it doesn’t vibrate is doesn’t exist.
Look at your body, feel it. Your body for the most part is flexible. Soft in some places, hard yet yielding in other places. Look at your mood and basic personality. Is it light and flexible? Or is it hard, unmoving and rigid? Ever notice how things that are rigid break easily, while the flexible items change and flex with manipulation and therefore remain strong and whole? I’ll leave you with these concepts in your awareness while I explain the following exercises that I enjoy doing.
~ Catching Judgments
 Go to your local grocery store and grab a cart (I’m from the south so I call it a buggy). Sometimes I really do shop but sometimes I just look around at the multi-colored packages, walk around stretch my legs and look at all the people. This is a wonderful thing to do during the winter time; it helps with the blues. Do this, just look at all the people. Don’t stare like a crazy person and don’t start up a conversation with anyone unless you know them and not talking to them would seem rude. Do you see women, men and children? Are they short, tall, fat, skinny, baggy, dressed funny, dressed nice, messy hair, no hair etc. etc.? These are judgments. Can you look at a person and have no comment? Can you look at a screaming child and allow that child just to be without internal dialog? But what if my thoughts are positive? Oh she’s pretty or he’s dressed nice; oh look at that adorable baby! Positive thoughts are nice but they are still judgments and with those innocent but positive judgments you are not letting that person, place or thing “be” there without your permission. This exercise is a good one for promoting inner peace. It’s peaceful NOT to have a comment (good or bad). It’s peaceful NOT to have an inner opinion or outer reaction (good or bad). Did you see how much milk has went up in price? Did this make you angry? While you’re at it you can go on an internal commentary about how unjust all these price hikes are because you can’t remember the last time you got a raise. There is no peace in this commentary, it helps nothing. This is an exercise that helps with those times when you are listening to family; friends or co-workers argue and be drama queens and kings. The exercise is to promote peace within yourself and when you are at peace you vibrate peace then other peace filled people and situations draw close to you. When one asks “Yes the world is in a mess but what can I do”? This is it. Be a promoter of peace. Be Peace. Be it. Show it. Do it in every area of your life… (This means have no judgment) everyone will sense it and see it and do it for themselves. It’ll spread like wild fire. Don’t worry if you get really good at this, it will not turn you into an emotionless zombie caring for nothing and no one. This tendency to judge stays with us forever. The goal is to experience what it’s like to turn it off and rest.
Once you practice turning it off every day for a while you may find your sense of humor enhanced in different ways and the things you once found funny no longer tickle you like they did and on the other hand you may find a lot of things just plain hilarious. That leads me to the other exercise I like to do that involves lightening my vibration and maintaining my flexibility.
~ The Giggle Factor
Being at peace and being happy might be two different things. Peace leads to happiness as far as I can tell. Happiness and Peace must be sisters. I know it certainly helps to maintain that “on the outside objectivity”. But remember your dominant vibration draws other situations and people to you that vibrate very much the same. So knowing this re-visit those things that make you giggle and smile. I do this because I want to giggle and smile more often and it "pulls" more people to me that giggle and smile as well. So these are the times in my life I find myself smiling suddenly or times during a sense of happiness and pure contentment. This is my list but what makes a person “happy” is highly personal. Sit and think for a while. What are things that make you happy?
~ I’m happy and content
  • When I’m chopping veggies or preparing an evening meal in the kitchen and I can hear the news on the TV in the background.
  • When I catch a whiff of wood smoke on a cool crisp fall day
  • When waking up in the morning with absolutely nothing to do but to go back to sleep for another hour.
  • When my two sons are in the same room together and they are laughing their butts off about something.
  • When receiving a good pay check.
  • When thinking of good writing subjects
  • When listening to my oldest son belly laugh
  • When watching puppies playing on the grass in the spring
  • When smelling fresh cut grass
  • When grilling out on a quiet summer day with soft music playing from the open window
  • When going for a long walk on a rarely used back road
  • When watching a favorite show or movie on TV
  • When chatting with a friend in a small coffee shop or while sitting at my kitchen table.
These things mean comfort, happiness and contentment to me. I focus on these every day. When you clear your mind and have no judgments, you’ll find more instances like these. When you recognize these feelings make a mental note then write them down before going to bed. Be gentle and non judgmental of yourself first and foremost. Have fun, feel good and raise those vibrations.

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