Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is where it begins.

     Well that took a while and I had to have some help from my friend Mrs. B. Thank you Mrs. B, me love you long time!
The Barefoot Path is a beautiful spiritual path that some say is smooth without stones with warm grass on which to walk. I, on the other hand, did not find this true at first. I placed myself upon it, saw a little way ahead, tried to come back and found that someone had locked the gate behind me. ~damn it.

 Well I'm going to start out full blast and just tell ya a little bit about myself. I enjoy all things "other-worldly" I've been known to spend six months researching mirror glazing or trespassing through old houses with camera and recorder in hand hoping to get pictures of orbs (my favorite) or audios of EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon). I spent some time in 2005 getting my hypnotherapy license and studied for a D.D. in spiritual healing arts which I use to this day. When I use to work nights, ten years, I was an avid listener of coast to coast am; a whole radio show dedicated to the unusual. This is what spiced up my life and made the work experience better and more palatable for me. I've had some very strange experiences even before listening to "coast". So what I would like to do to make my first blog on "Blogger" more informational and concise is list all the things in which I have grown to believe over my life time, just right off the bat. This way one subject will be chosen and I will let you, the reader, know my experiences involving that subject. Sometimes I might write about somethings that are not on the list. On the other hand I may believe in a subject and have no person experience with it, in which case I will research it and write my findings. Sounds good to me.
                                                    ~The List~
  1. EFT
  2. Psychic abilities
  3. Ghosts
  4. Other Dimensions 
  5. Hypnosis
  6. Vibrational healing
  7. Magic: words, wands, and spells
  8. Tarot cards
  9. Remote viewing
  10. Mediums and Spirit contact
  11. Most all energy, homeopathic and herbal healing practices
  12. Manifesting
  13. The Sedona Method
  14. Kabbalah
  15. EMDR
Okay I think this will do to begin with. If you have heard of other subjects you would like to discuss and they aren't listed here let me know in the comments section. My goal is to choose one of these subjects and give my honest opinion of it and also, to show how to work it into ones everyday life OR if it pays to work it in at all. Soooooo I think I'll choose number 10: Mediums and Spirit contact. Thanks for reading.
~To be continued
Ms. A


  1. Good post. I will be reading......

  2. I'm glad that I was able to help you on your way, Ms. A! (That totally rhymed!) Lovies!
