Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Dead and Dying

Okay at first it was concern; then after pacing around for a few minutes in a negative funk I got a little pissy about it. I'm referring to the Forbes article I read this morning about the top 10 dying career paths... (I am on two of the listed career paths) if you haven't viewed it yet please go here: Declining Careers :-(
Not Surprised
Ah, but you know I wasn't too surprised about the alternative healing practices. There is a great deal of interest in hypnosis, acupressure/acupuncture and many other methods. But not everyone has the income to pay out of pocket for something they're interested in but don't fully understand. I have made it my personal quest to explore many of these healing modalities since I was a young girl. I started with an interest in herbal medicine at around age 14. But it was clear to me from day one that people in general, while interested, would still take a pill rather than play with tapping meridian points and searching for root causes of their illnesses. Concerning hypnosis as a career path there are many ways to "adapt" and if we give up our healing knowledge I'm here to tell you that we are seriously SCREWED. So do keep that in mind when your family doctor whips out his prescription pad before you finish telling him about your aliments... remember it when reading the long list of side effects on that prescription medicine your doctor just gave you. And keep in mind when you hear that most alternative treatments aren't covered by insurance: chiropractic care was once considered an alternative treatment... now most insurance companies cover it and it's viewed as a wonderful therapy. I've spent a tremendous amount of time effort and money to educate myself on different healing practices. Medical specialist saved my life two years ago when I was in the hospital with bacterial meningitis so I don't want anyone getting the idea that I'm ungrateful or hypocritical. They used drugs on me that had names I couldn't pronounce and when written, took up about three inches of type on a page. My brain was so swollen inside my skull I didn't have the ability to protest much of anything that was happening to me. I really didn't give a crap at that point anyway.  Would I have preferred an alternative treatment other than IV steroids and whatever other chemicals they put in my veins? Sure but who was trained in such a treatment? And during the initial panic of seizures and coma what would a healer employee? As a natural healer I don't touch those kinds of illnesses with a ten foot pole! Medical doctors, high tech medicines and hospitals have my respect and gratitude. But come on people most of us live in a happy medium... we're not dying but we don't feel well either and it's at this point that we should search for answers for ourselves in the forms of alternative wellness and healing practices.

True Heartbreak
I think I'm more heartbroken over the seamstress career being there on the dying list. I have a love/dislike relationship with sewing. My grandma Evans use to put little scraps of fabric in my lap when I was about 8 or 9 years old.... I was shown how to sew these together, and then she put the pieces together as a quilt. I remember watching my mom sew skirts and blouses... it was funny to me how the paper patterns didn't look anything like the garment but when you put them all together it all fit so neatly! As soon as I had money I bought material and patterns too and started making stuff for myself... it was: aggravating, fun, confusing and all in all satisfying. Sadly I don't know many girls or boys today that bother learning to sew. If ya can go to Walmart or Target and get a shirt for $5.00 why bother right? I'm here to tell you it's attractive to me as well; see something cute on the rack... it's a great deal, buy it. Simple. There is this thing to it though, and it's kinda "dark". Do you know why it's so cheap? In a nut shell it's because the person that sewed that garment wasn't paid a living wage to sew it. This means the person is working for hours and hours and at the end of the week they still can't afford to pay for food, shelter or even the clothes that they sew to begin with. It is my opinion that we shouldn't support companies that operate these low wage factories BUT without those jobs what would those employees do? Talk about your catch 22 huh?

I'm going to keep practicing and studying alternative healing. Also, I will teach it to my children and anyone that I can out run and hold down. It is my firm belief that we need to be able to heal ourselves of persistent pain and disease without becoming pharmaceutical guinea pigs.
I'm going to keep sewing home decor (goooooo Ken and Kerri♥) clothing and crafts. I will teach it to my children and anyone that I can out run and hold down. It is my firm belief that along with building homes and growing food, we need to be able to clothe ourselves without enlisting slave labor from other countries. 

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