Friday, January 7, 2011

Mediums and Spirit Contact

A do it yourself approach.

Now keep in mind; these blogs are FYI for your information. You make up your own mind and the little links you see on these are suggested reading (both books and web links). Having stated this; are we ready to learn a little bit about mediums?

How many ways can one type “be careful”? Be careful with your feelings, your heart and your wallet. Everyone wants to be special. To have a special unusual ability sets one apart from the masses and keeps the ego feeling satisfied. A medium is a person who “taps into” the spirit world and contacts the dearly departed or other dimensional beings for advice and communication. Although, why a person would want advice from someone from another dimension about this dimension is beyond me. Perhaps it would be more prudent to hire a life coach? Please don’t think I’m poking fun at the art of medium-ship! I personally spent long hours on and off for the past six years studying and practicing this meditative exercise, just out of shear curiosity. I just wanted to learn more about my dimension and others out there too.  Medium-ship is a meditative art form. The reason I say to be careful about hiring a medium is the same reason I would advise you to be careful about hiring an accountant or a babysitter. At least with them you can look to see where they went to school. Mediums usually claim to be “born” not “made” or trained.
Remote viewing: “Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver (a "viewer") to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding”.
Knowing what I know about remote viewing: The U.S. government trained people to remote view targets during the cold war. You can have the psychic ability of a duck and still learn to remote view. One person that is famous for his remote viewing technique is Major Ed Dames.  The more you practice the developed process the better you become. So knowing this about a process that is obviously practical, trainable and learnable you would think other “psychic abilities” would be trainable: the key word here is “able”. Having said this why wouldn’t one be able to learn how to become a medium?

I spent most of the summer of 2005 heavily exploring this and more recently I have set up IADC sessions on and off as I have time and privacy. I have two suggested readings for you on this topic. One is a web page by Raymond Moody using mirrors. And the other is a book by Dr. Allen Botkin called Induced after Death Communication (IADC). * If you type IADC in Google it links up with a site about mud equipment manuals, among other interesting things. Yes, this has been around for the past 15+ years but Google has as of yet to recognize it. Just thought that was and interesting bit of info*
 Dr. Botkin was treating post traumatic war veterans with a popular but new rapid eye movement therapy (EMDR) and found out the soldiers were turning into mediums during their rapid eye movement healing sessions; communicating with the people who they had killed as enemies during battle, among others. This, in turn, relieved their stresses and nightmares, putting them on track to healing faster than traditional “talk” therapy.  For a more detailed description please feel free to browse Dr. Botkin’s site. In that summer of 2005 I practiced both of these methods as a combined experiment. I set up my mirror, chose my target, (departed love one) thought about the target along with rapid eye movements and relaxed “gazing” (please refer to Moody’s site). The results were alarmingly vivid at first, then I got more comfortable with the process and as I grew more comfortable my success dropped.
EMDR is a rapid eye movement therapy; it's like dreaming except you are awake and fully conscious. A person thinks of the thing that bothers them the most. Examples: a rape, childhood abuse, robbery, battle, even selfishness or heartbreak over lost love. They feel this pain, remember it as if it were happening right then. As they bring this pain into their “now” they follow their right forefinger from slightly lower left (around jaw line) to slightly upper right (tip of eyebrow), in consistent motion, within their visual limits, without moving the head. Just move your finger back and forth about four times. Don’t move your head; just your eyes. This is processing, this is only one of the ways a person can experience releasement. It takes about 60 seconds. Years worth of talk therapy… EMDR takes approx. 60 seconds. Yeah.
As you can see these subjects I’ve listed are tied together very nicely. You practice one you get another. In order to practice after death communication you have to learn to “let go” or release. Release the need of it, the importance of it. Let it flow. This is why my success declined; I needed to practice releasing.

So do you have an interest in this? Are you afraid or curious? I don’t think I’m the only one who has ever combined these two “medium techniques" together but I do have some advice for success and continued results and it involves releasement. As stated earlier (and I can’t repeat it enough) Releasement is to let go of the importance of it. Botkin found that when the same client tried to achieve the same successful communication result it was harder if not impossible to repeat it consistently. Letting go of sadness and grief, self imposed guilt and shame relaxes your body and mind. You can even “let go” of the need to communicate with your chosen target or your dearly departed. This letting go process is key to continued success. My personal opinion of this: I think our ego gets in the way of doing great things in the end.
Any remote viewer or anyone with highly developed ESP will tell you that the more personal and emotionally involved in a situation they are, the more clouded their abilities become. Feelings maybe the universal language but too much of a good thing will shut down the abilities to see what is really there.

So be careful with your feelings they can cloud your God-given gift to “know”. Be careful with your heart; practice releasement as much as possible. Even if it’s just getting pissed off about silly things: release it right away. Last but not least, be careful with your wallet. Don’t pay someone to do something for you that you can do yourself….     ~If you have the nerve

Ta Ta for now. Up next #11. Energy, homeopathic and herbal healing practices. (This might turn into an anti-pharmaceutical  rant or maybe not; I don’t know yet ha).
Love Ms.A


  1. My ex-husband had EMDR therapy from a licensed psychotherapist. It was to help him with some childhood and teenage trauma. I read a book on it at the time, and always wanted to try it myself. It seemed very successful for those things that he focused on, but I think it was almost like he would have needed to have a session for each and every separate experience...

  2. Yes his psychotherapist should have encouraged him to do these rapid eye movement cycles when issues arose in his everyday life. You would be surprised at how effective yet unpopular it is to do that. It's the same with EFT and self hypnosis therapy. The main focus is to teach and touch base on a bi-weekly basis.
